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The Tragic Fate of Arwen Evenstar: A Tale of Love and Loss in Middle-earth

Arwen Undómiel

Arwen Evenstar, daughter of Elrond and Queen of the Reunited Kingdom, met a mortal fate despite her Elven lineage. While her role in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings film trilogy differs slightly from J.R.R. Tolkien’s novels, Arwen remains a pivotal figure in Middle-earth’s history, both before and after the War of the Ring.

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Skar King: Godzilla x Kong’s New Titan


Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire captivated audiences worldwide with its epic clash between Kong, Godzilla, and a menacing new ape Titan, Skar King, who sought global domination. While previous Monsterverse films often portrayed Godzilla and Kong as protectors, this film unites the rivals against a common enemy with a formidable army at his command.

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